Junior High / High School Department



Miss Carmen Dillon

7th-9th English/Christian Womanhood

Years of Experience: 9 | Years at HCS: 3

My mom began training me to teach Bible stories when I was nine years old, and I have been teaching ever since! The Lord has given me opportunities to teach every age group—from infants through adults, from classrooms to business training rooms. Regardless of the age or place I teach, my hope is that my classroom will be a place where students will love learning and be inspired to continue learning throughout their whole lives. As a Christian English teacher, I believe that knowing and understanding the Word of God is key to being an effective servant of God. Many times, Jesus refers to Himself as the Word. My desire is to point young people to God through His words to us and to teach them how to use the gift of language effectively for God’s glory.


Mrs. Pam Brown

10th-12th English/9th Girls Creative Writing/Library

Years of Experience: 25 | Years at HCS: 23

When we moved to Seneca, Pennsylvania, I was asked to teach English in the academy. I wasn’t trained to be a teacher, but I developed a love for it. I finished my teaching degree and can honestly say I could not see myself doing anything else. I teach various ages and various subjects, and I never fail to learn new things from my students. I love to read, and I love to instill that love for reading in my students. I have a husband who is also an educator and four children that God is using in various teaching ministries.

I Timothy 1:12 “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.”

“If you don’t have time to do things right the first time, when will you find time to re-do them?”



Mr. Doug Hoffman

Athletic Director/7th-8th History/9th Bible/Boys PE

Years of Experience: 31.5 | Years at HCS: 31.5

I had the opportunity to attend Heritage from 1st  through 12th grade. After graduation, I attended Tennessee Temple University where I received my Bachelors Degree in Health/Physical Education. Upon graduating from college, I married my wife Amy who also teaches here at HCS. We have four wonderful children. I have been teaching and coaching here for over twenty-five years. Having the opportunity to impact the next generation excites me every year.
I like to remind the players that I coach,  “Don’t tell me what you want to do, show me what you are going to do.”


Mrs. Sarah Beck

9th-12th History/Speech/Financial Peace

Years of Experience: 4.5 | Years at HCS: 4.5

When I felt the call to teach, I always knew that one day I wanted to teach at Heritage. I went to HCS from Kindergarten through 12th grade then graduated from West Coast Baptist College with a Bachelors Degree in Secondary Education. Heritage Christian School played such a key role in my life as a child and teen, and I want to be able to impact the next generation like the teachers I had growing up. Teaching has always been my passion. Christian education is so important, and I could not imagine a better place than Heritage! Seeing a student light up once he understands a concept (whether it be in one of the computers classes or in math) has been a true joy to see!
Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”



Mrs. Tina Mallory

7th-9th Math/7th-8th Science

Years of Experience: 14 | Years at HCS: 10

It is amazing how God orchestrates events in our lives. Before I had children, I worked for Cleveland Public Schools. I loved every minute of it; it was my mission field. My husband, Jason, and I were blessed with four handsome boys. I was thankful I had the opportunity to stay at home with them for twelve years. Our oldest son graduated, and the other three are enrolled in Heritage Christian School. I love that our boys grow spiritually and academically here. Now that I am a teacher at Heritage Christian School, I have found my new mission field! I am so thankful that the Lord placed my family here to serve and minister to others.

Psalm 62:5-8 “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.”


Mr. Calvin Goodman

 10th-11th Math Proctor/10th Bible

Years of Experience: 1 | Years at HCS: 1

I was privileged to graduate from Heritage Christian School in 2020. I then enrolled at Heartland Baptist Bible College for the Fall 2020 semester, and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Missions in May 2024. My involvement with HCS never really stopped though, even during my college years. I was back at Heritage to help out every chance that I could, doing things like running games at the senior high Christmas party, spraying kids with chalk at the Color Run, or even cleaning at the school over the summer! Now that I have graduated and am back home to Cleveland, I am super excited about the new opportunity to proctor and teach some classes in this year! My prayer is that our school will draw closer together and to the Lord this year.

Romans 12: 11 “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord."


Mr. Steven Jaggard

Business Math/7th Grade Study Skills/Typing

Years of Experience: 11 | Years at HCS: 7

I attended HCS from kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. After graduation, I attended West Coast Baptist College where I received my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Immediately following graduation, I married my wife, Hannah, who teaches 4th grade. Together, we have five children.

I love seeing the lightbulb go on when a student is understanding. I love developing relationships with students that hopefully allows them to see that serving God is a joy and privilege. I love knowing that my time is not wasted and I am making a difference in the lives of my students.

Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."



Mr. Wesam Elrabadi

11th-12th Bible

Years of Experience: 14 | Years at HCS: 10

After graduating from Cleveland State University in 2007, I completed my biblical education at Heritage Baptist Institute in 2012. In June of 2015, I joined the staff of Cleveland Baptist Church as the youth pastor.

I never had the privilege of experiencing Christian Education in my younger years, so I count it an honor to teach at Heritage Christian School. I am married to Megan and have two children. I thank God for a wonderful wife and lovely children, who thankfully look more like their mother. It is a privilege to serve in the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ.



Mr.  Tom Goodman


Years of Experience: 6 | Years at HCS: 6

I was fortunate to have been brought up in a Pastor's home. My father has been faithfully pastoring for over 36 years. Both of my siblings are faithfully serving in their local churches as well. I trusted Christ as my Savior when I was eight years old, and I yielded to the call to preach in August of 2003. I served as my dad's associate pastor from June of 2008 until January of 2016 when the Lord moved our family to the Cleveland area.

My wife, Amanda, and I have been blessed with four children: Calvin, Seth, Savannah, and Calli. We felt at home from the first moment our family came through the doors at CBC, and we count it a great privilege to serve the Lord here with the faithful staff and members of the Cleveland Baptist Church and Heritage Christian School.




Miss Melinda Szerencsy


Years of Experience: 6 | Years at HCS: 6

My favorite part of teaching is seeing the kids enjoy the project and the materials used to create it. The end results are “Amazing!” I enjoy creating my own art and seeing people react to something I have done. God gave me the most wonderful gift of all, a home in Heaven.

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."


Miss Andrea Duarte

Spanish/Computers/7th-8th Girls Bible

Years of Experience: 3 | Years at HCS: 3

God called me to be a teacher when I was a senior in high school. Having the desire to come back to be a teacher at HCS, I went off to college to study education. After college graduation, I was given the opportunity to come back to teach at HCS. I love seeing my students' faces when they learn new concepts. I also love to travel and experience new places.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."


Mr. Nathan Topper

Orchestra/7th-8th Boys Bible/11th History

Years of Experience: 16 | Years at HCS: 2

I graduated from college with a degree in Music Education and a minor in History Education.  Since graduation, I have had the privilege of teaching band and history in Christian schools in Virginia, South Carolina, Kentucky, and the island of Saipan.  I love teaching primarily because I love working with kids.  As a band director, my goal is to teach young people to use the God-given gift of music to worship our Lord and Savior.  As a history teacher, my goal is to teach young people to see the sovereignty of God throughout history.

My wife and I have been married for 18 years, and we have one daughter.

Psalm 98:6 "With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King"


Mrs. Erica Bolticoff

Guidance Counselor/Girls' Health and PE

Years of Experience: 1 | Years at HCS: 1

Mr. Roger Hoffman


Years of Experience: 49 | Years at HCS: 49

"Professor" Hoffman has been teaching woodshop at HCS for over four decades. Most of the physical updates to the church and school over the years have been completed with his help and expertise. HCS regularly performs well in the woodworking category at the annual BCSO fine arts competition thanks to his leadership and teaching.